2019’s biggest online fraud challenges for retailers

Online Fraud is evolving. See the biggest fraud challenges retailers are facing & how to combat them

Forter’s Seventh Edition of the Fraud Attack Index leverages Forter’s robust database to examine shifting behaviors and trends in online fraud attacks across global industries and explores the fraudulent modus operandi (MO) or methods by which fraudsters leverage their attacks. With over $140 billion in e-commerce transactions, this report encapsulates the most extensive research ever conducted in this field.

Is your fraud prevention system prepared for the latest trends in fraud?

Learn more about the specific forms of fraud impacting your industry and how to better protect your business.

Highlights include:

  • How shifting behaviours and fraud trends are affecting online merchants?
  • Why many fraudsters are shifting to the quality vs. quantity mentality in certain sectors?
  • Which industries are most vulnerable to attacks and ways in which merchant platforms were attacked?
  • How to keep your business safer and better protected from new forms of fraud and abuse?
  • Understanding better the current ecommerce climate – trends and behaviours appearing in various parts of the world.

Make sure you stay ahead of the curve, and read the full report now.

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