Free Breakfast Workshop: Making Sense Of The User Journey

What is a user journey? And why is it important for the modern-day marketer?

The user journey is much more than a series of steps that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal. It’s about nurturing the customer experiencestepping into the customer’s shoes each phase of their interaction with your brand and making sure these customers return to your company the next time around.

Date: 20th March 2018
Time: 9am – 11am
Place: London
Cost: Free

But how can you make sense of all the data you collect, and how can you visualise and action the most relevant information to your business objectives?

In our 2-hour breakfast workshop, we will help you better understand:

  • How to filter out the noise and focus on insights relevant to your customers’ journeys
  • How to act on visitors’ intelligence in a timely manner
  • How users’ journeys, and roadblocks to them, impact your conversions and retention rate
  • How to tailor and personalise your content to automatically present highly relevant and individualised experiences for every visitor

Ready to find out more? See you on the 20th of March!

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